EMF Professional Services, Practical Solutions - 20+ years Experience
EMF Professional Services, Practical Solutions - 20+ years Experience
Identify problems & get solutions!
Average assessment is 3-4 hours
Fields Measured
Magnetic - Electric - Radio Frequency -
Dirty Electricity
Additional topics: Wifi alternatives, lighting, low-EMF offices and computing, creating a sleep sanctuary, water filtration
Includes written report (12+ pages) with measurement ranges for each field, remediation suggestions and much more!
Phone, Zoom and Email Consultations
Paid in advance using the EMFprofessional.com SHOP button or STORE link
$60 - 30 minutes, etc.
Assess a potential home or lot for EMF's before you purchase it!
Average assessment is 1.5+/- hours
Fields Measured:
Magnetic - Radiofrequency -Dirty Electricity
Includes written report emailed within 24 hours
For those who have concerns about a nearby transmission or distribution line, transformer or substation
Average assessment is 1 hr +/-
Written report optional - $25
Optional: Add RF measurements to check for nearby cell towers, neighbor's Wifi, etc. (highly recommended)
For those who want guidance on how to perform their own EMF inspection
What meters to purchase
How to use EMF meters
How and where to measure each field
Solutions for problem areas
Pertinent research and more!
Interested in whole house water filtration, air cleaners and other products?
Visit our online store https://emfprofessionalsolutions.square.site/
Copyright © 2018 EMF Professional Services - All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: This information is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified medical professional.
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